Former Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi has died at 86. He had had leukemia complicated by a lung condition and a dose of long COVID.
After a career in property development, construction a media TV empire and buying his favourite football team AC Milan, he turned to politics in 1994. He formed the Centre Right Forza Italia party and swept into power in a matter of months.
Dogged by many scandals, he nevertheless held the top job in Italian politics 3 times from 1994 to 2011. After time suspended from office, he bounced back to become a member of parliament at the last election.
Image: Image – Shutterstock : Alessia Pierdomenico
Produced By: Roderick Chambers
Featured In Story: Professor Fabrizio Carmignani, Professor of Economics, and Dean (Academic) Griffith Business School
First aired on The Wire, Tuesday 13 June 2023